
Most of us start considering an MBA once we are already working and looking to make a change. There are things you can do to prep while you are still in college to get ahead!


get involveD & explore

Get involved in student organizations. More than being a member, it’s important to actually contribute to the organization in a meaningful way. Our main recommendation is to find something you’re passionate about (e.g. mentoring others, doing community service) and to get involved. Doing so will help you further develop your leadership, communication and time management skills, which will be useful in your career, and as consider applying to business school.

College is also a great time to explore new places! A study abroad experience can provide with great perspective and self-discovery opportunities. There are some scholarships available for study abroad like the Gilman Scholarship and Becas Santander. Make sure to ask the oficina de intercambio at your college for more information on financing options!

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prep programs & conferences

A great way to have a structure approach to career post college is MLT Career Prep in which you’ll be matched with a coach for 18-months who will walk you through the process of securing an internship, as well as a full-time job upon graduation, and Forte Rising Start that …

Big conferences are a great way to meet other college students and professionals! Check out these events:

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take the gmat!!

After a few years in college, your test-taking skills are polished and on-fire. This confidence (and cognitive ability!) decreases with time, so we recommend taking the GMAT while your brain is still on fire! Aprovéchalo!

Remember, the GMAT score is good for 5 years after. If you have even the slightest idea that you will do a MBA, we recommend taking it within a year after graduation!

Check out this blog post from Forte on reasons to take the GMAT while in college and refer back to our GMAT test prep section.